Diane Bauernfeind
Phone: 716-651-0560
BEST Plus Administrator Certification

The BEST Plus is an individually administered face-to-face oral interview designed to
assess the English language proficiency of adult English language learners.  This 
workshop prepares participants to administer and score the test by providing an 
overview of the development and purpose of the test, opportunities to practice 
delivery and scoring, and clarification of administration and scoring issues.  Participants will recognize the importance of assessing oral language proficiency and be able to administer and score the test and interpret BEST Plus scores.

BEST Plus Test Administrators must speak English at an SPL 9 or higher level.  
Please note that after successfully completing this training, a BEST Plus Refresher 
will be required annually.

For:  Those who will be regularly administering BEST Plus assessments in their 
program and who speak English at an SPL 9 or higher level.  Please note that 
programs with no currently certified assessors will be given priority registration in 
order to assure that every program in the region is covered.  You MUST attend the
entire day - if you cannot be there between 8:30 - 9:00 am and you cannot stay until 3:30 - DO NOT REGISTER for this training.  If you are late - if you arrive after 9:00 am - you will not be allowed to take this training.

This training is for NEW Best Plus Assessors.  

Date:          Thursday, November 9, 2023

Site:           Conable Technology Building               

                  Genesee Community College

                  One College Road

                  Batavia, NY  14020

Time:          8:30 am - 9:00 am - Registration 
                  9:00 am - 3:30 pm - Workshop
                  Breakfast and lunch are on your own.  There is a cafeteria on site.

Please be aware that priority is given to NYSED funded registrants.

Fee:           None, although pre-registration is REQUIRED

Facilitator:  Amy Mazur, Certified BEST Plus Trainer

Deadline:    Friday, November 3, 2023